16:00 até às 20:00
On the Move, Jewels

On the Move, Jewels

On the Move, Jewels [English bellow]

No dia 20 de Janeiro celebramos o primeiro evento de 2024 das Inaugurações Simultâneas no Quarteirão Miguel Bombarda! Temos o prazer de vos convidar para a inauguração da exposição itinerante de joalharia contemporânea “Em Movimento, Jóias”, que contará com a presença do curador: o joalheiro argentino-holandês Luis Acosta, a partir das 16h. Para visitar até 9 de Março.

“Em tempos de quietude, imobilidade, isolamento, medo e incerteza, através do trabalho das nossas mãos, reunindo mente e emoção no próprio acto de criar, canalizamos a nossa necessidade de nos expressarmos e comunicarmos de alguma forma. Como uma flecha apontada para o exterior, as nossas jóias, resultantes desse fazer, mensageiras dos nossos desejos mais profundos, puderam abrir caminho e até atravessar fronteiras, testemunhando aquele segmento de vida dentro de casa, quando cada um de nós ainda permanecia ancorado no seu lugar… como rochas imóveis, longe da dança da vida, à espera de tempos melhores.” (Iona Nieva)

ARTISTAS: Adriana Gomez (AR) | Aişegül Telli (TR) | Alexandra Prelipcean (RO) | AMÀLGAMA (IT) | Ana Nadjar (CL) | Angela Gentile (IT) | Arijana Gadžijev (SI) | Bego Fuentes (ES) | Carolina Moya (AR) | Claudia Schlabitz (BR) | FESTIVOdesign (CO) | Francesca Locati (IT) | Iona Nieva (AR) | Iro Kaskani (CY) | Julie Bégin (CA) | Laura Volpi (IT) | Lily Kanellopoulou (GR) | Maria Rosa Mongelli (AR) | Marta Fernandez Caballero (ES) | Miriam Arentz (DE) | Miyuki Shiotsu (JP) | Patricia Mogni (AR) | Salvador Vico (ES) | Saskia Bostelmann (MX) | Suzanne Esser (NL) | Viktoria Muenzker (SK)

[Na imagem de capa, peças de: Aisegul Telli, Lily Kanellopoulou , Patricia Mogni e Suzanne Esser]

Sobre o percurso de curador de Luis Acosta: Depois da experiência, enquanto curador, adquirida com "Beyond Textile”, joalharia criada por 21 joalheiros argentinos, "More than clogs and tulips …" e "Dialogues from Holland”, ambas com joalharia criada por 20 joalheiros holandeses, "RED - BLACK, Jewels", joalharia criada por 21 joalheiros argentinos, "The Strength of Textile, Jewels" e "Eloquence of Paper, Jewels”, cada uma com 24 joalheiros internacionais, “Beauty and Wonder” com 26 joalheiros internacionais, “From the Shadow to the Light”, com jóias realizadas por 5 galeristas que também são joalheiros, "The distances bring us closer, Jewelry”, com joalharia realizada por 15 joalheiros argentinos, surge agora “On the Move, Jewels” com a participação de 26 joalheiros de renome internacional.


On January 20th we celebrate the first event of 2024 of Simultaneous Openings in Miguel Bombarda area, in Porto! We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the contemporary jewelry traveling exhibition “On the Move, Jewels”, that will count with the presence of the curator: Argentinian-Dutch jeweler Luis Acosta. To visit until March 9th.

"In times of stillness, immobility, isolation, fear and uncertainty, through the making of hands, bringing together mind and emotion in the very act of creating, we channeled our need to express ourselves and communicate in some way. Like an arrow directed outwards, our jewels, resulting from that doing, messengers or our deepest longings, were able to make their way and even cross borders, bearing witness to that stretch of life behind closed doors, when each one of us was still anchored in his own site, like immobile rocks, far from the dance of life, waiting for the arrival of better times" (Iona Nieva)

ARTISTS: Adriana Gomez (AR) | Aişegül Telli (TR) | Alexandra Prelipcean (RO) | AMÀLGAMA (IT) | Ana Nadjar (CL) | Angela Gentile (IT) | Arijana Gadžijev (SI) | Bego Fuentes (ES) | Carolina Moya (AR) | Claudia Schlabitz (BR) | FESTIVOdesign (CO) | Francesca Locati (IT) | Iona Nieva (AR) | Iro Kaskani (CY) | Julie Bégin (CA) | Laura Volpi (IT) | Lily Kanellopoulou (GR) | Maria Rosa Mongelli (AR) | Marta Fernandez Caballero (ES) | Miriam Arentz (DE) | Miyuki Shiotsu (JP) | Patricia Mogni (AR) | Salvador Vico (ES) | Saskia Bostelmann (MX) | Suzanne Esser (NL) | Viktoria Muenzker (SK)

[In the cover image, pieces by: Aisegul Telli, Lily Kanellopoulou , Patricia Mogni and Suzanne Esser]

About the curator background of Luis Acosta: Following the experience acquired, as a curator, with "Beyond Textile", jewelry made by 21 Argentine jewelry designers, "More than clogs and tulips ..." and "Dialogues from Holland”, both with jewelry made by 20 Dutch jewelery designers, "RED - BLACK, Jewels", jewelry made by 21 Argentine jewelry designers, "The Strength of Textile, Jewels" and "Eloquence of Paper, Jewels", each one with 24 international contemporary jewelry designers, “Beauty and Wonder”, with 26 international contemporary jewelry designers, “From the Shadow to the Light”, with jewels by 5 gallerists who are also jewelers, "The distances bring us closer, Jewelry”, with jewelry by 15 Argentinian designers, now emerges "On the Move, Jewels" with 26 designers of contemporary jewels of international renown.

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