Visita guiada à exposição As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars por Mariana Roquette Teixeira

Visita guiada à exposição As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars por Mariana Roquette Teixeira

No contexto da exposição As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars, a Fundação Leal Rios convida para uma visita guiada apresentada pela investigadora em Historia da Arte Mariana Roquette Teixeira. A visita irá decorrer no próximo sábado, dia 27 Junho, pelas 17h00 e contará com a presença do Director da FLR, Miguel Leal Rios.

Devido ao crescente interesse do público, a exposição As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars será prolongada até ao dia 11 de Julho 2015. 

O horário de visita manter-se-á de quinta a sábado das 14h30 às 18h30.


In the context of the exhibition As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars, the Leal Rios Foundation invites you to join an exhibition tour lead by the art historian, Mariana Roquette Teixeira.

The exhibition tour will be held on Saturday, June 27 at 05.00 p.m. at the Foundation’s facilities, with the presence of Miguel Leal Rios, Leal Rios Foundation's Director. 

Due to the growing  interest of the public, the exhibition As The Earth Spins Beneath The Stars, will be extended until July 11.

Visiting hours will remain the same, from Thursday to Saturday from 02.30 p.m. to 06.30 p.m.
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