14:00 até às 15:00
Talks@DI: Marcelo Finger

Talks@DI: Marcelo Finger

Talks@DI: Marcelo Finger, USP
Title: Quantificadores de Contagem e Raciocíno Lógico-Quantitativo
Date: March, 28th, 14h
Where: 6.3.38, C6, FCUL

Apresentaremos o problema de satisfatibilidade da lógica com
quantificadores de contagem e algoritmos de decisão de
satisfatibilidade do fragmento da lógica de primeira ordem contendo
Quantificadores de Contagem sobre predicados Unários (CQU-SAT),
recentemente apresentada na AAAI-2017. Discutiremos também
semelhanças e relações entre estas técnicas e outras utilizadas nos
problemas de Satisfatibilidade Probabilística, as quais consistem um
corpus de técnicas para lidar com problemas que chamamos de Raciocínio

Short Bio:
Marcelo Finger is Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of São Paulo, CNPq research grant receiver level 1B, editor of The Scientific World Journal and the Sao Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, published special issues in journals such as the Annals of Mathematics in Artificial Intelligence (2001) and Theoretical Computer Science (2014). Received his BSc in Electronic Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1988), MSc (1990) and PhD (1994) in Computing by the Imperial College, University of London (1990).
He was a visiting professor in Computer Science departments in Universitée Paul Sabatier - Toulouse (2011) and Cornell University (2012-2013). His research topics include the following: Logic, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Digital Humanities and Computational Linguistics.
He is a fellow researcher of CNPq since 1996. Receiver of several awards, among which Convocation Sesquicentenial Award (1990), Armstrong Prize and Medal (1994), Jabuti Prize (2007 -1o place, category Science, Technology and Informatics) and several awards for teaching performance (2002, 2004, 2005, 2006).
He currently conducts research involving logical and probabilistic reasoning in order to understand the interaction between these two basic ways of thinking, their computational complexity and their applications in Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities.
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