14:00 até às 15:00
Talks@DI: Hélder Coelho, Professor Catedrático Jubilado

Talks@DI: Hélder Coelho, Professor Catedrático Jubilado

60 Anos de Inteligência

Em Agosto de 2016, comemoraram-se 60 anos de trabalhos em torno da inteligência artificial (IA), e temos razões para estarmos optimistas pois na IA existem progressos e mais conhecimentos, no lado cognitivo humano e animal.  A palestra não se incomodará com a história (embora ela seja importante), mas com o que se passa agora em 2016 e com o futuro.

Short Bio:
Helder Coelho is a retired full professor of the University of Lisbon (UL) in the Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Sciences, from August 1995. He is a permanent and elected  member of the National Academy of Engineering (1999). ECCAI fellow (2002). He was Chair of the Executive Board of Iberamia from 1996-2010. Member of the Advisory Council of Iberamia (2010- ). He was member of IFIP TEC12 (AI) and Chair of IFIP WG12.3 (Agents). Editor of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Ceser Publications) and of the Progress in Artificial Intelligence (Springer). He was president of the Institute for Complexity Sciences from 2004-08. Conference Chair of ECAI-2010 in Lisbon, Program Chair of IBERAMIA-1998, and Program Co-Chair with Jaime Sichman of SBIA/IBERAMIA-2000 and 2006. He is currently member of the Advisory Board of EPIA/APPIA Congress, member of the Steering Committee of MASTA and the BWSS Workshops, and PC member of AAMAS Conference (2008-16).
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