20:00 até às 02:00
Drag Queer King Show, Les Drag - Festa de Encerramento

Drag Queer King Show, Les Drag - Festa de Encerramento

19h Debate: O Lesbofeminismo como alternativa ao sistema heteropatriarcal.
21h: Jantar Vegan no Ceuta ( prato mais 1 Bebida = 5 euros) Reservar em festfeminista.porto@gmail.com 

Cristy (Shedyboy) and Inma (Johnny Pistolas) are an artistic couple that, through dance and seduction, seeks to mock and laugh at gender canons and stereotypes. Their shows take place at indoor, low-cost venues, where only some music and speakers are necessary. Shedyboy is pure confidence, a parody of the typical cisgender and heterosexual macho men. Wait... heterosexual? Well, his obvious physical attraction towards his workmate on stage might prove otherwise. Johnny Pistolas, on the other hand, introduced himself as an attempt of the ‘Iberian macho men’, driven by a strong sense of patriotism and his desire to ‘be’ heterosexual. However, he then accepts his true self and goes even further: he questions his identity, and we could say he’s more of a drag queer than a king.

24h Festa com Ela Riot, Mar V, D'Ju e outras convidadas
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