19:00 até às 18:30
Retiro O Caminho do Coração Junho 2020 - The way of the heart

Retiro O Caminho do Coração Junho 2020 - The way of the heart

177€ - 240€
6.ª Edição com NOVIDADES (Scroll down for English)
O caminho do coração: Encontrar o sentido no sentir 
Um tempo para fazer e uma pausa e resgatar, reconectar com o teu sentir profundo, o caminho do teu coração.
Este retiro pretende ser um tempo de encontro contigo, com o espaço em ti que é amor e compaixão, capaz de transmutar mágoas, dor e ser também receptivo e amado. 
Propomos um espaço de escuta interna do corpo, de ti mesmo, das novidades que o outro te traz sobre ti, um tempo de pausa para respirar, silenciar, recuperar energias e simplesmente Ser. 

O programa inclui também comida vegetariana e dormida (2 noites). 
Para que possamos preparar tudo como mereces inscreve-te em breve para ana.vergueiro@sapo.pt ou info@casamargou.pt
Vagas limitadas a 12 pessoas 
Comida Vegan mediante reserva
Investimento com dormida e alimentação incluídas 240€

Inscrições até 31/3 - 177€
Inscrições até 30/5 - 222€

Paginas com detalhes 
www.casamargou.pt e www.yoga-biodanza.com

Sobre Mafalda:
Instrutora de Yoga, para adultos, idosos e crianças, facilitadora de Biodanza em supervisão pela Escola de Biodanza de Portugal, Moon Mother iniciada por Miranda Gray. Encetei já faz algum tempo, um caminho de encontro comigo, com o que me faz Ser mais e mais feliz. Nesta busca encontrei o Corpo, o Movimento, o Teatro, a Dança plena de sentido e todas as suas expressões integradoras do pensar, do sentir e do agir. Professora de Yoga em vários locais de Coimbra e na IHumanus, Universidade Senior da ESEC, Facilitadora de Biodanza, Formadora, Economista, a terminar Mestrado Integrado de Psicologia na FPCEUC. Sou acima de tudo uma Mulher, espírito livre, a aprofundar este caminho do coração na vida.

Retreat - The Way of the Heart ~~ Facilitated by Mafalda Vergueiro 
This Retreat will be held in the magic mountains of São Pedro do Sul (North East of Portugal)
This Retreat aims to enhance your connection to your heart, to the love power within. Love is what motivates and inspires’ us, love energy is pure power. 
The heart centre enables’ us to create tenderness, beauty, compassion, forgiveness and connection mostly when we start this path of allowing ourselves to feel more, to support our healing process beyond our wounds and want to to learn to listen and respect the needs of our soul.
This is a proposal to dive into yourself, relaxing and powerfully open your heart to be blessed with love and connection. 
During this retreat you will be able to meet new aspects of yourself through various technics and therapeutic resources. You will have Hatha Yoga, Heart and dynamic Meditations, silence, painting, creative dancing (Biodanza and dramatic expression inspired), power walks through nature and time to silence and relax.
The Hatha Yoga that we will practice is inspired in Yin Yoga, Sivananda, Yengar, Anusara and is based on the tantric philosophy, where everything on earth is sacred and happiness is the way to transcend and touch the divine within.

Casa Margou is a blessed place that has survived a big wild fire and is being renewed similarly to the proposal of this retreat. The mountains are shoying us the great nature potential for transforming and renewing where all the ancestors take part as we are with strenght, hapiness and resilience.

Book now or ask for more information! 
Email - ana.vergueiro@sapo.pt or info@casamargou; phone nb 00351966754389
Our web site http://www.casamargou.pt/
Availability limited to 12 vacancies
(Available 2 room for 2 and Dormitories for 6 and 4 persons, respectively)
Vegetarian meals (vegan option available on booking)

Personal Investment (dormitory and meals included) 240€

Booking till 31/3 de March - 177€
Booking till 30/5 - 222€

Please check

Short bio of the Facilitator

Mafalda Vergueiro is my heart and family name. I am a Portuguese Woman, Hatha Yoga Instructor for adults and elderly, Biodanza facilitator in supervision by Biodanza school of Portugal. Moon Mother and Womb Blessing Facilitator, Miranda Gray’s method. For a long time I have begun a way of self-discovery encountering my bliss and happiness in the embodied movement and therapy. My body is my medicine. During this journey I found Biodanza, Dance Movement Therapy, Drama expression, Tantra, Feminine awareness, coaching, NLP. These technics and personal development systems have given me resources to integrate thinking, feeling and acting (mind, heart and body). Yoga Professor in IHumanus, Elderly University of ESEC. Biodanza  Economist, actually finishing a Master in Clinical Psychology in UC. Mostly I am Feminine wild spirit learning to go deeper on this heart way.
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