15:30 até às 19:30
3 days Intensive: AcroYoga, Thai Massage & Mantra

3 days Intensive: AcroYoga, Thai Massage & Mantra

100€ - 120€
From the 30th of March to the 1st of April.

Is it possible to participate to 1, 2 or 3 days.


30th of March - FRIDAY:

15.30-16.00: Opening Circle
16.00-18.00: Warming up, games, Acroyoga Basics
18.00-19-30: Mantra Workshop

31st of March - SATURDAY:

09.30-10-00: Yoga
10-00-12.00: Acroyoga Basic & Intermediate
12.00-13.30: Mantra Workshop

13.30-16.00: Lunchtime 

16.00-16.30: Games + Yoga in pairs
16.30-18.30: Acroyoga Basics + Intermediate (Washing Machines)
18.30-19.30: Thay Massage 
19.30: Free Jam 

1st of April - SUNDAY:

09.30-10-00: Yoga
10-00-12.00: Easy Standing Acro + Acroyoga 
12.00-13.30: Mantra Workshop

13.30-15.00: Lunchtime

15.30-16.00: Games + Yoga in pairs
16.00-18.00: Acroyoga Flow + Acro Combo
18.00-19.00: Thay Massage 
19.00-19.30: Closing Circle

The program can vary depending on the level and the energies of the moment and of the group.


^^^ What is acroyoga? ^^^

Acroyoga is a physical practice which combines yoga and acrobatics using gravity to promote strengthening and stretching. 

Above all: 
*** "Acroyoga is a science of complementary work!" ***

There aren't any "too low", "too weak", or "too heavy" people; there are only people who explore different aspects of their being and, accordingly, face different challenges.

"We are not taught or judged, we are a community of co-apprentices where people can share with others what they know: learn to know your limitations and abilities and start playing with people who allow you to improve!"

^^^ Mantra Workshop ^^^ 

Filipa and Alberto will share with us the vibrations of indians' sounds and we'll have the possibility to really work on slowing down and feel  more ourselves and the space surrounding us.

"In this workshop we will deepen the world of mantras and indian music. These ancient chants are practices of meditation, where we have the possibility to sing and tune in to our inner vibration. 
A way to harmonize body and mind through the breath and vibrations produced by the chanting of the mantras.

We will work the music both at vocal level through the melodies accompanied by the harmonium, or the rhythms used in the Tablas.

We will also have the opportunity to explore our creativity through improvisation with the voice and to experience singing in a mantra circle."



RESUMING: we'll have fun practicing acroyoga, standing sequences, washing machines, acro with 3 or more people (acrocombo!) and it will be a great way to meet new practitioners and friends!

At the same time we'll create moments of harmony practicing yoga, meditating and singing mantras and we'll learn how to take care one of eachother through the Mettā (loving-kindness) of thay-massage.

We are looking forward to meet you: we are waiting for you !!!


---> Early bird (until 20th of March: contact +39 3285546689 or Le Turbe di Falloppio): 
1/2 day : 30€
1 full day: 50€
1 + 1/2 day: 70€
2 full days: 90€
3 full days: 100€

---> After 20th of March (payment directly on the spot)
1/2 day: 35€
1 full day: 60€
1 + 1/2 days: 85€
2 full days: 105€
3 days: 120€


We'll finally have two beautiful places that will host us during this training/sharing meeting:

- FRIDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOON (check out the time on the program) --> Traça [Rua Luciano Cordeiro 2C, Lisbona]

- SATURDAY MORNING and SUNDAY (check out the time on the program).--> Espaço Amar  [R. Gen. Firmino Miguel 25, 1250-009 Lisboa]

Contact +39 3285546689 (Egle) or eglegnv@gmail.com or @leturbedifalloppio on Facebook
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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