18:45 até às 21:30
GDG Sessions #13 - UI/UX Design & Front-End Dev

GDG Sessions #13 - UI/UX Design & Front-End Dev

GDG Sessions #13 will be all about Design and Front-end!


18:45 - 19:00 - Welcoming;

19:00 - 19:45 - "A Portuguese designer working in India" ~ Gui Corte-Real / Ex-Product Designer at Zomato, India;

19:45 - 20:00 - Break;

20:00 - 20:45 - "SVG Illustrations as Components" ~ Elizabet Oliveira / UI Developer at Showtime Analytics, Dublin;

+INFO - https://www.meetup.com/gdglisbon/events/245557106/
Google Developers Group Lisbon is a group of developers with the main goal of sharing knowledge by organizing tech talks, workshops, conferences and assisting the Lisbon developer communities to grow through collaboration. GDG Lisbon considers itself has an open source community, where events can be requested and even organized by members of the community. GDG Lisbon aims to deliver top quality events and content.

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