17:00 até às 19:30
Kundalini Yoga & Meditação Gongo

Kundalini Yoga & Meditação Gongo


The event start with an explanation of basic kundalini yoga techniques, followed by some warm up, preparing the body for the meditative class.

Meditations will varies in quantity, times and intensity.

Once mind and body will be ready, open to receive the healing vibration of the Gong, participant will lied down, and guided by the sound of the Gong, (mainly) tibetan bowls and wind chimes, into a deep state or relaxation (50 minutes)

Slowly after some gentle movements to awake our body we come into a circle, chanting all together an healing mantra.

After we close the class(he event will last 2.30 hours) there will be a hot herbal tea and a time to share the experience

Valor: 15 euros
Data: sábado 20 de Maio, das 17h00 às 19h30

Places are limited so please confirm your presence .......

Kundalini Yoga:

Kundalini is the primordial life energy that lies dormant in a human, near the base of the spine.

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient science which was initially passed from master to disciple, exclusively and originates from the Indian subcontinent.

In the 60s,Yogi Bhajan brought this knowledge to the West initiating its dissemination in Europe and North America. Today Kundalini Yoga is practiced in all continents and is expanding constantly.

The technology of Kundalini Yoga includes breathing exercises, postures, relaxation and meditation techniques; many of which include the chanting of mantras.
Gong Meditation:

The gong is an ancient sacred instrument of healing and transformation.

It generates deep and powerfull sound waves, giving the feeling of bathing your whole being into his healing vibration.

The impact of his vibration resonate on different levels.

On the physical: it releases tension and blocks in the body. It stimulates the endocrine system together with the nervous system, and as a result our Prana (vital force) will increase, establishing a new balance in our life.

On the mental level, it washes our subconscious mind, it cuts the flow of thoughts and releases the stress that comes with it, so to put us in contact with our true self. 

On the emotional level: the sound vibration act as a deep cellular massage that shakes and releases emotional blockages stored in our cells memories.

The flow of sound created by the gong, carry us into a deep state of relaxation. This state awakes the neutral mind so that our inner wisdom of self healing can occur.

What to bring:
-comfortable clothes
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