22:30 até às 01:00
Concertos ProjèctiL:::Przepych:::UZS

Concertos ProjèctiL:::Przepych:::UZS

ProjéctiL convida toda a comunidade para mais uma noite internacional de concertos. Temos o prazer de receber Przepych e os UZS.  Vindos de Wrocław, POLÓNIA, e de passagem pela nossa Terra em tour, estes maninhos trazem no seu arsenal sónico muitas propriedades químicas e cítricas. Przepych matemático, puro e cru. UZS crítico, aguçado e descontraído.
!!Venham e tragam mais 5!!

Entrada: 4goulash 

--> PRZEPYCH <--

Przepych explores their own manual limitations by reducing technique to its minimum and stretching the form to the necessary maximum. Using smallest available means they aim at maximizing expressive power. In the course of collective work their compositions feed a musical dialogue in order to rescue the human element in them. Sometimes it is sweat and tears that prevail and sometimes it is the thought and moderation.
Although Wrocławian duo uses typical rock instruments and sound, they avoid referring to typical rock or post-rock structures; instead, guitars and drums as tools of composition owe a lot to syncretic Rock in Opposition scene, funk-hitting no wave, and post-punk that wished to turn its own limitations into unlimited space. Przepych is a response to these endeavors.

--> UZS <--

UZS’s music is a fusion of post-punk, new wave and cold wave aesthetics. The trio’s pieces are based on sounds that are sharp and cool at the same time. Stripped-down rhythmical patterns driven by hectic bassline and despotic drum pad overlap with guitar cutting through, minimalist old-school keyboard and two chanting vocals, which draw on the 80’s, making reference to neue deutsche welle and British punk rock offspring, as well as Polish artists associated with Stilon Gorzów label. The latter is especially due to the lyrics in Polish, both critically reflexive and humorous, commenting on social reality in terse understatements. 

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