19:30 até às 23:00
Coração de Êxtase & CACAO Cerimonia, c/Shivani, 3 Nov @Caxias

Coração de Êxtase & CACAO Cerimonia, c/Shivani, 3 Nov @Caxias

* TANTRA 2 - Workshop - 3 Nov, 5ªf
c/ Shivani Tantra LoveWay
19h30-23h @CAXIAS  

* RESERVAS: info@tantraloveway.com

Neste Workshop Tantra 2, o convite é abrir o Coração ao Êxtase do Amor, com TANTRA E CACAO! 

"Venha expandir a energia em alegria e celebração sob os auspícios e as bençãos de uma Cerimónia de CACAO. 
Arrisque aceder ao seu potencial e ao poder transformador que existe dentro do seu coração. 
Venha sentir a sua energia, descobrir-se e expandir. 
Está tudo dentro de si.....só lhe vamos mostrar o caminho - LoveWay"

É uma valiosa ferramenta espiritual. Abre o coração e os canais de Meditação, ajudando-nos a conectar mais com a nossa consciência superior. 
O cacau era referido como um Deus pelo povo Maya e é conhecido por possibilitar transformação espiritual. No contexto de uma Cerimónia, é especialmente preparado para ser bebido. É uma ferramenta muito poderosa para desbloquear o amor-próprio e a libertação de velhos padrões, potenciando o poder do coração.

Este workshop Tantra 2, será uma junção entre a magia de uma Cerimónia de Cacao e a vivência Tantra LoveWay: exercícios Tantricos, OSHO Active Meditation, Abertura da energia do Coração & Terapias: da respiração, à dança, ao movimento consciente, à conexão com o corpo e com a energia – chakras, alinhamento, quantum healing.

desenvolvemos dinâmicas que promovem a abertura à Meditação, ao Amor, à Expansão da Consciência, à Liberdade e à conexão entre os seres humanos. Os nossos workshops são vivenciais, incluem Meditações Activas, dança, movimento, muita respiração e celebração da vida :) 

Através das técnicas terapêuticas que partilhamos, poderá despertar o seu coração, sentir a sua essência, expandir a sua consciência e abrir-se ao seu verdadeiro potencial, libertando-se de padrões, crenças e memórias corporais que o impedem de viver a sua vida com totalidade e liberdade. 

De entre as técnicas que terá ao seu dispor salientamos: Tantra - exercícios e Meditações, OSHO Active Meditations, Meditações guiadas, Rebirthing (Primal Breath), Dança, Energy & Quantum Healing, Alinhamento Chakras, Terapias Psico-corporais, Bioenergéticas e Holísticas. 

“O Tantra Loveway é um caminho de aceitação, abertura, conexão, amor e celebração da vida. Com inspiração em OSHO, Eckart Tole e outros mestres, acreditamos na energia poderosa do coração, no amor e na magnificência do precioso momento presente, onde tudo é possível “  Shivani  

* COMO é a experiência com CACAO?
A cerimónia de cacau é um espaço seguro que promove a meditação. Juntamente com a vivência Tantra Loveway, será guiado a aceder ao seu coração, à sua própria energia, expandindo através da dança, respiração e movimento. Poderá conectar consigo e com os outros neste espaço de Meditação e Celebração. Terá a oportunidade de relaxar profundamente e receber insights, inspiração e ideias criativas para a sua vida com a ajuda do Cacao.

Muitas pessoas relatam um profundo sentimento de alegria e paz, uma conexão com algo maior que eles, assim como percepções integrativas que expandem a consciência. Nas cerimónias, o Cacao cru é servido como bebida de chocolate quente. Demora cerca de 30 minutos para que o cacau para entrar na corrente sanguínea. O cacau não é uma droga. É chocolate cru.

O Cacao cerimonial, é preparado com grãos de cacau cru de elevada qualidade. Há um aumento do fluxo sanguíneo e da nutrição para o cérebro, coração, pele e corpo. A consciência expande e a capacidade de foco é elevada. As sensações de bem estar e alegria são intensificadas.

Com mais de 1200 componentes químicos, os grãos de Theobroma Cacao (tradução do grego: Theo = Deus e broma = comida e cacau = o nome Maia para os grãos de chocolate) - ou a árvore de chocolate, parecem ser o alimento mais farmacologicamente complexo natureza. O Cacau tem sido usado há milénios como um alimento e antídoto para uma vasta gama de problemas de saúde. Também tem sido utilizado pelos antigos meso-americanos em conjunto com outras plantas e rituais. Os alcalóides, neurotransmissores, neuromoduladores, vitaminas e minerais específicos do cacau têm um efeito particularmente nutritivo sobre o corpo humano. Os efeitos dessas propriedades são amplificadas quando se utiliza o cacau não torrado e não transformado, no contexto de uma cerimônia. (+ Info abaixo)

Roupa confortável, garrafa de água (para beber durante a cerimónia), manta, meias. Pode trazer algumas frutas para compartilhar no final.

Pedimos que chegue pelas 19h30, para iniciarmos o grupo às 20h. 
Qualquer questão horária contate-nos por msg Facbk - Shivani

NÃO COMER, pelo menos, 2 horas antes.
Fazer refeições ligeiras no próprio dia.
No dia da Cerimónia e no dia anterior : 
Evite álcool, cafeína e açúcar. Siga uma dieta simples e alcalina (verde legumes, beterraba, brócolos, amêndoas, tofu, canela, gengibre frutos: Banana, maçã, frutas vermelhas, laranja).
Após o evento, recomendamos que beba muita água para evitar dores de cabeça e que tenha uma noite suave e relaxada preservando o efeito do Cacao no organismo.

* Tantra 2 - Apenas para participantes em eventos anteriores: workshops / sessões individ./casal Love coaching /Tantra

* Faça a sua reserva atempadamente (nº lugares limitados). 
para: info@tantraloveway.com
Fcbk: Shivani Tantra LoveWay

* Se estiver com quaisquer questões de saúde, a usar anti-depressivos, quimio-terapia, qualquer tipo de drogas, medicamentos ou submetido a qualquer tipo de tratamento médico, por favor informe-nos. Neste caso, não deverá participar na cerimónia de cacau.

45 € por pessoa

Av. Salvador Allende, 16,
CAXIAS, Paço de Arcos
38 ° 41'57.82 "N 09 ° 16'51.64" W

é fundadora do Tantra LoveWay, facilita workshops na Europa e Brasil e Sessões individuais Tantra LoveWay- terapia holística e Love Coaching/Tantra – terapia para Casais.
Através do Tantra LoveWay, com forte inspiração em OSHO, Shivani partilha o espaço do Coração, a vibração do Amor, a liberdade e o caminho que a Meditação oferece na via da Celebração e da Expansão da Consciência. Os participantes são guiados em segurança num processo de abertura, despertar e aprofundamento no Caminho do Amor – LoveWay.

Shivani é terapeuta de Tantra, OSHO Active Meditations, OSHO Renascimento Primal Breath, Energy Healing Worker, Love Coaching para Casais, LoveWay (individuais) e Terapeuta holística.
+ info Tantra LoveWay e Shivani:


Sessões Individuais/ Casal (também Skype): 
Fcbk: Shivani Tantraloveway

Videos You Tube: Tantra Loveway
Fcbk Page: Tantra Loveway & Meditation OSHO

Heart of Ecstasy & CACAO- TANTRA 2
c/ Shivani Tantra Loveway,
@Caxias 19h30-23h

BOOKINGS: info@tantraloveway.com
* only for participants in previous events/workshops/private sessions/couples/Love coaching 
* reservation/confirmation by email or fcbk message required

We invite you for a Heart of Ecstasy opening, energy expansion, joyful & dancing experience with Tantra LoveWay & Cacao Ceremony, with Shivani. 

In this Tantra LoveWay workshop we will explore the Ecstasy of the Heart through Osho Meditations & Therapies, Tantric exercises, including breathing, dancing, sharing, conecting wthin and with others.  At the same time we invite you to receive the blessings of a CACAO Ceremony:
CACAO is a heart opener and allows us to experience profound realizations. In a ceremony setting, Cacao is a very powerful tool for unlocking self-love, removing old patterns and connecting to your higher consciousness. 

"TANTRA LOVEWAY develops group dynamics that overcome boundaries & promote love and connection between human beings. We share experiences that are able to awaken the Heart and to Expand Consciousness. We share Meditation, Celebration, happiness, freedom from patterns, emotional transformation, spiritual growth, awareness, presence, expansion & Love.  Tantra LoveWay is a path of acceptance, openness, connection, Love and Life Celebration. We are inspired by OSHO, by the powerfull energy of the Heart and the magnificence of the present momentwhere everything is possible".  Shivani 

Please NOTE: 
This event is only for participants in previous Tantra LoveWay events/workshops/private sessions and is subjected to place availability. Please contact us soon if you are interested. 

Cacao is often referred to as a God among the Maya people and has been known to cause spiritual awareness and transformation. Mayans and Aztecs have used raw Cacao for thousands of years as a spiritual tool.

The Cacao ceremony is a safe and beautiful space that supports meditation. 
Combined with the LOVEWAY, you will be safely guided to go deeper into your heart, into your own energy, expanding through dancing, breathing and movement. 
You will have the chance to conect with other people in this Meditation and Joyfull space.
You also have the chance to relax deeply and receive insights, inspiration and creative ideas for your life and overall health. 
Many people report a deep sense of joy and peace, a connection to something bigger than themselves as well as insights of limiting behaviors, thoughts and feelings that are able to be understood and released within the safe environment of the ceremony. 
Some also find that their focusing ability improves and their overall success in life increases followed by a greater sense of satisfaction.  
Cacao ceremonies generally consist of cacao that has been heated into a hot chocolate like consistency. It is then sweetened and consumed. It takes about 30 minutes for the cacao to get into the blood stream. Please note: Cacao is not a drug. It is raw chocolate. 

When you consume cacao prepared for ceremony using high quality raw cacao beans, all the mood enhancing neurochemicals in cacao become particularly active. There is increased blood flow and nutrition to the brain, heart and skin, the whole body is nourished, awareness and focus is heightened and sensations are intensified. 

With over 1200 chemical constituents, the beans from Theobroma Cacao (translating from the greek: theo = god and broma = food and cacao = the mayan name for the chocolate beans) – or the chocolate tree, appear to be the most pharmacologically complex food in nature. Cacao has been used for millennia as a food and antidote to a vast array of health issues. It has also been used ceremonially by the ancient Meso-americans in conjunction with other plants and rituals. The alkaloids, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, vitamins and minerals specific to cacao have a particularly nourishing effect on the human body. The effects of these properties are amplified when using unroasted and unprocessed cacao and consuming it in the context of a ceremony. (+ info below)

Comfortable cloths, bottle of water, blanket, socks.
You can bring some fruits to share at the end. 

DO NOT EAT at least 2hrs before. 
Have light meals on the day.  
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and sugar on the day and the day before. Follow a simple and alkaline focused diet the day before, and on the day of the ceremony (green vegetables, beets, brocoli, almonds, tofu, cinnamon, ginger. fruits: banana, apple, berries, orange). 
After the event we recommend you have a gentle evening as symptoms of physical and emotional detoxification can arise unique to each individual.

** If you have any significant health challenges (i.e. having chemotherapy treatment), any kind of pathology, if you are on anti-depressants, or using any kind of drugs, medicine or subjected to any kind of medical treatment, please inform us. In this case you should not attend the Cacao cerimony. 

Please submit your reservation as soon as possible (limited number of places) by email : 

45€ per person 

Av. Salvador Allende, 16, 
CAXIAS, Paço de Arcos 
38°41′57.82″N 09°16′51.64″W
is the founder of Tantra LoveWay & OSHO Active Meditations, leading workshops in several countries in Europe and Brasil and private sessions of LoveWay- Holistic Therapy and Love Coaching/Tantra for couples.  
Inspired by OSHO and other masters/teachers, through Tantra LoveWay, Shivani shares the Tantric Vision of Opening the Heart and Living Love´s plenitude and Heart expansion. She is a Tantra & OSHO Active Meditations teacher, OSHO Primal Breath (Rebirthing and Bioenergetics) and holistic energy healer, main areas of her work. 
Shivani has had training over the last 13 years in Portugal, Europe, USA, Brasil, Osheanic International (Brasil) and India at OSHO Multiversity Puna and Dharamsala, in several areas from Yoga, Breathing and Meditation Techniques, Quantic Healing, Chakras Alignment, Body Therapies, Rebirthing, Lowen Bioenergetics, Shamanism, Tantra, Energy Reading and Healing. Shivani has a Law degree, worked in Consulting, Marketing and Events Organization.

Is a group of assistants, meditators, helpers and energy group supporters that help to keep a safe and loving space during the group practices.  

Private sessions with Shivani (also skype): info@tantraloveway.com 
You Tube Channel: Tantra LoveWay  
Facebook Page: Tantra LoveWay & OSHO Meditation  

More info about CACAO: 
All the properties found in cacao are already produced naturally in the body and perform essential functions, but appear to be less and less available when living busy lives in cities and following a “western” diet and lifestyle. Cacao contains the neurotransmitters serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine which assist with feelings of wellbeing, resilience to stress and anxiety and contribute to healthy motivation. It also has the neuromodulator phenylethylamine (PEA) which helps the body create feelings of excitement and euphoria. It also assists us to pay attention and stay alert. With healthy amounts of PEA we stay focused, time slows down and we are not distracted by hunger or excess stimulation from the ‘outside world’. PEA also increases the effectiveness of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter related to joy. Anandamide is a type of lipid (oil). The word ‘ananda’ (from which this chemical was named) translates from the Sanskrit language as ‘bliss’. This naturally produced chemical (which is part of the endorphin group) is most concentrated in the body after moderate exercise – also referred to as the runners high. Anandamide results in feelings of bliss and euphoria, but also plays a vital role in moderating pain perception and the memory of pain, as well as assisting in regulating appetite and mood. 

Cacao contains both anandamide and anandamide re-uptake inhibitors, which are molecules that slow the break down of the anandamide. This allows the anandamide to remain longer in the brain and with it the associated blissful feelings. One of the most utilised major minerals in the body is magnesium. Magnesium assists in all metabolic processes. It helps relax all the muscles in the body and is thereby essential for the effectiveness and vigor of the pumping of the heart muscle, the management of stress and exercise recovery, the motility of the bowel, regulating the muscles pre-menstruation among many other functions. Magnesium is also utilised in almost all key functions in the brain, including those involved in memory and concentration. 

Cacao is the highest natural food source of magnesium. Cacao is also one of the highest sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants clear corrupt cells from the body. The specific antioxidants in cacao are Flavonoids, from the Phenolics group. Primarily, this class of antioxidants are important as they both trap free radicals and chelate redox-active metal properties. This results in a reduced risk of cells in the body, such as lipids (fats, and fats often lining the artery walls) undergoing oxidation (corruption). The flavonoids also support clearing of the blood vessel walls, flexibility of the arteries and a thinning of the blood, all contributing to a reduction in blood pressure and build up of fatty deposits (plaques) along the artery walls, as well as a reduced load on the heart muscle.
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