MARY OCHER - concerto no lounge

MARY OCHER - concerto no lounge

21:00 portas 21:30 MARY OCHER (concerto) -- entrada livre --

MARY OCHER regressa ao lounge com a sua pop política experimental e um extraordinário novo disco: "Approaching Singularity: Music for The End of Time".

O álbum é acompanhado por um ensaio que explora o autoritarismo, a tecnologia desregrada e as diversas implicações éticas e políticas das mudanças iminentes para a humanidade. Já o novo disco conta com colaborações como MOGWAI, RED AXES, ROBERTO CACCIAPAGLIA, peças com os dois bateristas de Mary YOUR GORVERNMENT, e uma homenagem à pioneira da música electrónica DELIA DERBYSHIRE.

Na última década e meia, Mary Ocher tem criado um corpo de trabalho apaixonante, cru, intransigente, instigante, contracorrente, debatendo-se com temas como autoridade, identidade e conflito. É uma obra encantatória e polarizadora que a levou a mais de 40 países, e os últimos discos foram gravados com H.J. IRMLER dos FAUST, FELIX KUBIN, DIE TÖDLICHE DORIS e JULIA KENT. Mais recentemente foi convidada pelos ANIMAL COLLECTIVE para actuar no festival LE GUESS WHO?, lançou um EP de apoio à Ucrânia e dirigiu uma compilação para a escolaridade de raparigas no Afeganistão.


Experimental political pop artist Mary Ocher returns to European stages with an exceptional new record: "Approaching Singularity: Music for The End of Time".

The album is accompanied by an essay that explores authoritarianism, unruly technology, and the diverse political and ethical implications of the impending changes for humankind. While the new recordings feature collaborations with Mogwai, Red Axes, composer Roberto Cacciapaglia, pieces with Mary's two drummers Your Government, and a homage to electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire.

Over the past decade and a half Mary has been persistently creating passionate, uncompromising work, raw, thought provoking, socially and creatively pushing against the current, dealing with subjects of authority, identity and conflict. Her work is as enchanting as it is polarizing, ranging from traditional folk to raw 60s garage, ambient with ethereal vocals and abstract synths, to experimental pop with African and South American rhythms when performing with her drummers (Your Government).

Mary toured in 40 countries with previous releases, the last of which were recorded with H.J. Irmler of Krautrock pioneers Faust and feat. collaborations with Felix Kubin, Die Tödliche Doris and Julia Kent. Most recently she was invited by Animal Collective to perform at Le Guess Who? festival, released a Ukraine charity EP and curated a compilation for girls' education in Afghanistan.

*The full "Approaching Singularity" essay (a short version of which is available in print with the album): http://www.maryocher.com/essay-approaching-singularity-music-for-the-end-of-time

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