21:00 até às 23:00
SHAMANIC JOURNEY 'The 3 andean worlds' - with Ângelo Surinder

SHAMANIC JOURNEY "The 3 andean worlds" - with Ângelo Surinder

No dia 27 de janeiro, acontecerá a primeira jornada xamânica do Cosmic Gong deste ano.

Ao longo desta viagem percorreremos os 3 mundos andinos: Hanac Pacha, o mundo do céu e dos deuses, representado pelo condor; Kay Pacha, nosso mundo dos vivos, representado pelo puma; e Uku Pacha, o mundo abaixo, dos mortos, o infinito, representado pela serpente.

Vamos mergulhar juntos nessa jornada pelos 3 mundos, em busca de nossa conexão com a natureza, com o universo e com nosso poder interior.



On January 27th, the first shamanic journey of this year's Cosmic Gong will take place.

During this journey we will travel through the 3 Andean worlds: Hanac Pacha, the world of the sky and the gods, represented by the condor; Kay Pacha, our world of the living, represented by the puma; and Uku Pacha, the world below, of the dead, the infinite, represented by the serpent.

Let's dive together on this journey through the 3 worlds, in search of our connection with nature, with the universe and with our inner power.

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