21:30 até às 23:45
Ciclo Honour is Within: 'Lady Snowblood' (1973)

Ciclo Honour is Within: "Lady Snowblood" (1973)

"There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.”
― Miyamoto Musashi

LADY SNOWBLOOD, Toshiya Fujita, 1973
A young woman (Meiko Kaji), trained from childhood as an assassin and hell-bent on revenge for the murders of her father and brother and the rape of her mother, hacks and slashes her way to gory satisfaction in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Japan.

Sessão | Screening 21:30
Legendas em Inglês | Subtitles in English
Donativo sugerido | Suggested donation on entry: 2€
Jantar a partir das 20:00 (com opção vegetariana) | Diner from 8pm (vegetarian option available)

Uso de máscara obrigatório para todos.
É permitido retirar a máscara em lugares sentados. Respeita o próximo. Tenta manter uma distância mínima de 1.5m. Recomendamos a utilização do gel desinfectante. Existem 5 dispensadores no espaço.
Everyone is required to wear a mask. You may take it off only when seated. Respect others. Try to keep a safe distance of at least 1.5m. We recommend the use of hand sanitizer. There are 5 dispensers in the premises.
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