16:00 até às 19:00
Ci.CLO Bienal '19 Portrait-Sessions com Constanze Flamme

Ci.CLO Bienal '19 Portrait-Sessions com Constanze Flamme

Um Retrato - Uma Árvore

Será feita uma intervenção no local e um convite ao público do Porto, sendo oferecidas sessões de retrato nos jardins do Palácio de Cristal. Vai poder ser retratado no seu local
favorito dos jardins e abraçar as vozes locais sobre os seus desejos sobre o que semear e cuidar - tanto
botânica como socialmente.


One Portrait - One Tree

As part of a site-specific intervention in the context of Ci.CLO Bienal'19, a series of Portrait Sessions will be offered in the Jardins do Palacio de Cristal.
Like an invitation to the public of Porto, everyone can be portrayed in their favourite part of the gardens, embracing local voices about their wishes and what to seed and care for - both botanically and socially.
The answers create a kaleidoscope of diverse wishes, meditating on how to take part and what to tend within our environments and societies.
In a symbolic exchange for the portraits the artist asks for the price of a tree (3 Euro) which will be planted in Portugal in collaboration with the regional organization Cabeço Santo
— as a growing and lasting image and impact after the Bienal.
A growing landscape (image) in one of the most prone countries to the effects of Global Warming and Forest Fires.
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