18:00 até às 22:00
Special Event: Tell Us Your Dreams

Special Event: Tell Us Your Dreams

Have you been dreaming of a dreamy night? 

Come to Valsa on May 18 and share your dreams with us. It will be a relaxed atmosphere, a welcoming one, and one where we hope to find the threads that link us as we slumber.  Maybe one of you tells of a dream of a cat attacking your face, and a stranger in the audience suddenly remembers his own cat-attack dream and jumps on stage to share. What really is in the collective unconscious?

Linda Koncz, one of our storytellers, has a strange profession: recording dreams. In the last few years, she has walked up to people in parks and galleries and videoed them while they told her the secret realities of their minds as they slept soundly in their beds. There have been dreams of time travel and rats eating bowels and candy falling from the sky. But that is only a tiny fraction. To date, she has documented over 2,000 people and now she wants you. 

And if you don’t come for the dreams, come for the dreamy music. 

Desmarques will play a set as will Catapulta. 

Plus, there will be tasty finger food!

Linda Koncz aka The Dreamcatcher will tell us a bit about the collection as well and show us a few videos from the project. Did you know that Hitler, Michael Jackson, and Indiana Jones all frequently appear in dreams of different people? (See these are the fun dreamy facts you will learn) 

In between dreams will be socializing—so come just to hang, listen, cheer people on, think about the deep hidden meaning of that recurrent dream of your teeth falling out (you have that one too right?)

To learn more about it you can click here: Dreampire (https://www.dreampire.com/)



[ lembrando: VALSA é uma associação cultural sem fins lucrativos - a entrada é livre, restrita à associades ]
[ queres ser um associade? faça o registro diretamente no nosso balcão rosa! cota anual de € 2 ]

[ reminder: VALSA is a non-profit cultural association - entrance is free, restricted to members ]
[ wanna be a member? register and get the membership at the bar! annual fee € 2 ]

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