13:00 até às 14:00
Well, before we start solving problems

Well, before we start solving problems

O Porto receberá pela primeira vez o Dia Mundial da Criatividade, o maior evento inteiramente dedicado à criatividade do mundo. O evento, que está em sua 6ª edição este ano, será celebrado em mais de 50 cidades do mundo. 
O Dia Mundial da Criatividade acontece dia 21 de Abril de 2019 em 53 cidades no Brasil, 3 em Portugal, 1 na Sérvia e 1 na Alemanha.
Em Portugal ocorre excepcionalmente de dia 21 a 23, nas cidades Porto, Entroncamento e Lisboa.

Sobre a atividade:
Well, before we start solving problems… we should understand what is going on! 
Some years ago I started to identify patterns on the teams and companies I interacted with.
One of those patterns is that we rush to solutions, either imposed or simply trendy without understanding the real problems we are solving.
We should leverage a specific mindset to tackle our challenges, we have to consider we are simply Human Managers! 
Within the interaction with the audience, we will take a detailed look at how we could identify, clarify, characterize the problems within our teams and companies. So, we can identify more successful solutions to cover them.
On top of that, the audience will have a sneak peek to some additional concepts which are being used to leverage this diagnostic technique: management bugs and management fixes!
Keep in mind, Human Management is aimed at igniting change and it has to start with us.

 Sobre o Inspirador:
Eduardo Espinheira is a Human Manager, Change Igniter, Instructor, Speaker, and Management Consultant with a track record of happier customers.
He leverages organizations to become more predictable and achieve operational excellence through people engagement, change management along with standards or best-practices adoption.
He is a M3.0 facilitator, holds a PMP Certification and academic degrees in Computer Engineering and Business Management. 
️A participação é gratuita, mas com vagas limitadas:
️ Esta edição do World Creativity Day contará com outras diversas atividades, como bate-bapos, debates, espetáculos, exposições, feiras, intervenções, workshops, palestras, projeções, vivências, entre outras. Outras atividades no link: https://www.worldcreativityday.com/portugal/atividades
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