18:30 até às 20:30
Human Entities 2019: Stephanie Hare

Human Entities 2019: Stephanie Hare

Human Entities 2019: a cultura na era da inteligência artificial
3ª edição
Quarta, 17 de abril 2019, 18.30–20.30
Entrada livre mediante registo: https://bit.ly/2UsSRMZ
[English below]

Fazer face à biométrica
Stephanie Hare
Investigadora e jornalista

As nossas caras, vozes, ADN, impressões digitais e outros dados sobre os nossos corpos (os nossos dados biométricos) cada vez mais são utilizados por governos e empresas para nos identificar e monitorizar, bem como para analisar, prever e controlar os nossos comportamentos. Isto põe de tal forma em risco a nossa privacidade, as nossas liberdades civis e as nossas democracias que até os gigantes da tecnologia como a Google, a Microsoft e a Amazon estão a pedir regulação. Que papel queremos (se é que queremos) que as tecnologias biométricas desempenhem nas nossas sociedades? De que modo transformarão a vida pública e privada? Poderá a legislação evitar os piores cenários?

Stephanie Hare
Stephanie Hare é uma investigadora focada em tecnologia, política e história. Seleccionada pelos programas FPI e BBC Expert Women, partilha as suas perspectivas na televisão e na rádio e tem escrito para a Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, Project Syndicate, Herald, CNN e Guardian. Anteriormente, foi diretora na Accenture Research, estratega na Palantir, analista senior na Oxford Analytica e consultora na Accenture. Foi bolseira em Oxford (Alistair Horne Visiting Fellowship no St Antony’s College), tendo feito mestrado e doutoramento na London School of Economics depois do bacharelato na Universidade do Illinois em Urbana-Champaign.


A conversa será em inglês e será seguida de uma sessão de Q&A. 
Local: Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Campo de Santa Clara, 142-145, 1100-474, Lisboa
Data: Quarta, 17 de abril, 2019, 18.30–20.30

Integrado no evento
Human Entities 2019: a cultura na era da inteligência artificial
3ª edição
Programa de conversas março – maio 2019
Ver programa completo: https://www.cada1.net/works/human-entities-2019-culture-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence/
Organização CADA em parceria com a Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa


Human Entities 2019: culture in the age of artificial intelligence
Third edition
Wed 17 April 2019, 18.30–20.30
All welcome, free entry, booking required: https://bit.ly/2UsSRMZ
[Talk in English]

Facing Up to Biometrics
Stephanie Hare
Researcher and broadcaster

Our face, voice, DNA, fingerprints and other data about our bodies (also known as our biometrics) are increasingly being used by governments and companies to identify and monitor us, and to analyse, predict and control our behaviour. The risk to our privacy, our civil liberties and our democracies is so grave that even technology giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon are asking for regulation. What role – if any – do we want biometrics technologies to play in our society? How would they transform private and public life? Can regulation prevent the worst-case scenarios?

Stephanie Hare
Stephanie Hare is a researcher focused on technology, politics and history. Selected for the Foreign Policy Interrupted fellowship and the BBC Expert Women programme, she shares insights on television and radio and has published in the Harvard Business Review, the Financial Times, Project Syndicate, the Herald, CNN and the Guardian. Previously she has worked as a principal director at Accenture Research, a strategist at Palantir, a senior analyst at Oxford Analytica, and a consultant at Accenture. She has held the Alistair Horne Visiting Fellowship at St Antony’s College, Oxford, has a PhD and MSc from the London School of Economics and a BA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.
Venue: Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Campo Santa Clara 142-145, 1100-474 Lisbon, Portugal
Date: Wed 17 April 2019, 18.30–20.30

This event is part of
Human Entities 2019: culture in the age of artificial intelligence
Third edition
Public talks, March – May 2019
Read more about the programme: https://www.cada1.net/works/human-entities-2019-culture-in-the-age-of-artificial-intelligence/

Organised by CADA in partnership with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale

Financiamento/Funded by: República Portuguesa – Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes
Apoio/Support: Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL e NOVA LINCS
Design: Marco Balesteros (LETRA)

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