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Animal Jokes (for animals)

Animal Jokes (for animals)

Krõõt Juurak & Alex Bailey
08.06.2017 | 21h30 
|/ Local: ªSede

---- scroll down for english version ----
Uma performance (45 minutos) para humanos em colaboração com Alex Bailey.
A internet está saturada com videos de animais com uma aparência ou agir de forma engraçada ou cómica, desde compilações em que gatos falham performar certas acções a cães que dançam ao som de música pop. Em resumo, a ideia de humanos usarem animais para se divertirem é imensamente difundido. Animal Jokes (for Pets) é uma tentativa de reservar este regime dominante e imaginar momentos de humor, acções e tentativas de divertimento, vistas desde a perpesctiva do próprio animal de estimação. Animal Jokes (for Pets) consiste numa série de “piadas” físicas e mentais imaginando um tipo de humor que os humanos não têm acesso. Esta performance teve a sua premiere no Salon Klimbim na Vienna Secession (com curadoria de Fahim Amir).

Alex Bailey é um artista e performer nascido em 1986, na cidade de Bristol (UK), vive e trabalha em Viena (Aústria). Licenciado em fotografia pela University College Falmouth (2006 - 2009) e Mestrado em Artes Visuais pelo Sandberg Institute, Amesterdão (2012- 2014). Dos seus interesses e preocupações, entre várias coisas, focam-se no humor e não-humor no sentido mais alargado da palavra, algo que ele pesquisou através de práticas experimentais e processos criativos em múltiplos formatos e expressões. Em 2012 foi artista residente na South London Gallery e New Art Gallery Walsall.
Alex publicou “One and Done” e “Searching for Her”. Os seus projectos mais recentes envolvem piadas comissariadas: Humorology, representada por Galerie.International na Material Fair, cidade do México City e Poppositions Fair Brussels i.e; Fusiform Gyrus, Lisson Gallery, London, com curadoria de Raimundas Malasauskas. 

Krõõt Juurak, nasceu em Tallinn em 1981, é coreógrafa e performer. Os seus trabalhos (performances, apresentações, textos, desenhos, workshops, mudanças de humor) desafiam definições fixas de coreografia e performance. Kroot estudou na ArtEz, Arnhem, EDDC, dança e coreografia em 2003, tem um Mestrado em Artes Visuais da Sandberg Institute, 2013. Tem apresentado o seu trabalho em diversos formatos em espaços como Mindaugas Triennial, Contemporary Art Center (CAC) (Vilnius, 2012); ImPulsTanz Vienna (2012); de Appel Boys School (Amesterdão, 2012); CIAP Hasselt (Bélgica, 2011); Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen (Innsbruck, 2010); Kunsthalle Wien project space Karlsplatz (Viena, 2010); Tallinn Art Hall (2009); e deSingel (Antuérpia, 2008); entre outros.
O trablho de Krõõt tem como base a relação com realidades performativas como o desparecimento do tempo de trabalho e o tempo de lazer, produção e consumismo, intenção e chance. Todos estes elementos estão directamente ligados aos seus trabalhos, e que depois os mostra em formato de performance, apresentação, estados de espirito, textos e workshops.
Desde 2002, ela tem criado os seus próprios trabalhos. Recentemente, foi convidada no brut em Viena, juntamente com Alex Bailey, numa mostra de performances para gatos e cães apreciadores de arte.
Nos últimos 11 anos, Krõõt tem dirigido e performado em "Look Look" (com Anne Juren), "Once Upon", "Burning Down the House" (com Laura Kalauz), "A Text is a List of Effects (com Ralo Mayer), "Ride the Wave Dude" (com Marten Spangberg), "Presentation", "The Place of the Grave", "Animal Show" (com Alex Bailey). 
Colabora em outros projectos como EVERYBODYS, Multiplex Fiction e Chicks on Speed.


Krõõt Juurak & Alex Bailey
08.06.2017 | 21h30 
|/ Location: ªSede
A performance (45 min) for humans in collaboration with Alex Bailey.The internet is saturated with video’s of animals acting “funny,” ranging from compilations in which cats fail to perform certain actions to dogs dancing to pop music. In short, the idea of humans using animals to have fun is widespread. Animal Jokes (for Animals) attempts to reverse this dominant regime and imagine humorous moments, acts and attempts at fun, as seen from the perspective of the pet animal proper.
Animal Jokes (for Animals) consists of a series of physical and mental “jokes” imagining a type of humour that humans do not have access to. This performance was first performed at Salon Klimbim at the Vienna Secession (curated by Fahim Amir).

Alex Bailey (UK/AT) is an artist and performer born in 1986 in Bristol, UK, lives and works in Vienna, Austria. He graduated with a BA in photography from University collage Falmouth (2006 - 2009) and MA in Fine Arts at the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam (2012- 2014).  His interests concern among other things humour and unhumour in the expanded sense of the word, something that he has approached through experimental practices and creative processes in a multiplicity of formats and expressions. In 2012 he was the artist resident at South London Gallery and New Art Gallery Walsall. He has published the books 'One and Done' and 'Searching for Her'. His most recent project involves commissioned jokes called Humorology, represented by Galerie.International at Material Fair, Mexico City and Poppositions Fair Brussels i.e; Fusiform Gyrus, Lisson Gallery, London, curated by Raimundas Malasauskas. 

Krõõt Juurak (EST/AT), born in Tallinn in 1981, is a choreographer and performer whose work (performances, presentations, texts, drawings, workshops, mood shifts) challenges fixed definitions of choreography and performance. She graduated from ArtEz, Arnhem, EDDC, dance and choreography in 2003 and MA Fine Arts from Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam in 2013. She has presented her work in a variety of forms at venues including Mindaugas Triennial, Contemporary Art Center (CAC) (Vilnius, 2012); ImPulsTanz Vienna (2012); de Appel Boys School (Amsterdam, 2012); CIAP Hasselt (Belgium, 2011); Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen (Innsbruck, 2010); Kunsthalle Wien project space Karlsplatz (Vienna, 2010); Tallinn Art Hall (2009); and deSingel (Antwerp, 2008); a.o. 
Her work has been engaged in performative realities such as the disappearance of work time and leisure time, production and consumption, intention and chance. All these things lead directly to her works, which she then shows in the form of performances, presentations, moods, texts and workshops.
She has been devising creations since 2002. Most recently, she was a guest at brut together with Alex Bailey, showing performances for art-loving dogs and cats. 
Over the past 11 years she has directed and performed "Look Look" (with Anne Juren), "Once Upon", "Burning Down the House" (with Laura Kalauz), "A Text is a List of Effects (with Ralo Mayer), "Ride the Wave Dude" (with Marten Spangberg), "Presentation", "The Place of the Grave", "Animal Show" (with Alex Bailey).  She collaborates with the projects EVERYBODYS, Multiplex Fiction and Chicks on Speed.
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