22:30 até às 01:30
Crocodilo Criollo no Braço de Prata

Crocodilo Criollo no Braço de Prata

Crocodilo Ciollo em residência na Fábrica Braço de Prata

01 e 15 (quartas-feiras) - 22:30hs
24 (sexta-feira) - 24:00hs

Crocodilo Criollo, projecto de inspiração afro-peruana, junta às manifestações musicais negra e crioula textos originais de forte pendor interventivo e social. Crocodilo Criollo cruza o ritmo do cajón e da guitarra com o ritmo do texto, das palavras, numa união quase perfeita.

As raízes africanas tiveram um papel crucial no desenvolvimento do Peru e são hoje parte incontornável e reconhecida da sua identidade cultural. Desde os primeiros tempos da escravatura, passando pelos movimentos de emancipação crioulos do séc. XIX até às formas mais informais de descriminação, a sociedade negra peruana deixou bem marcadas as suas lutas e as suas esperanças nas diversas manifestações artísticas, das quais a música afro-peruana é um dos melhores exemplos.

Carlos Mil-Homens – percussão (Pt)
Jacqueline Mercado – voz (Mx)
Nilson Muniz – texto e voz (Br) 
Otto Pereira – violino (Pt).
Rui Meira – guitarra (Pt)

"We suspect you've never heard anything quite like this before.
The main dish is Afro-Peruvian. We can read that compound word and identify its component parts, but do we know what it means? What is "African music"? What is "Peruvian music"? And what on earth are they going to sound like when they are brought together? Can you really imagine it?
And we're not done yet. Add to this a dash of spicy heat from the great lyric tradition of Mexico. Add a splash of oily sweetness from Brazil - but also, a generous pinch of Brazil's bitterness, its sourness, its depth. Savory Spanish flamenco with its smooth mouth-feel is here, too. This music has its roots planted all over the diaspora map.
But you know something? This is sorely insufficient. To say that this music is a New World synthesis of elements from Africa and Europe is a truism. It's obvious. It's neither a new observation, nor an interesting one. It's a characterization that we use to describe so much of what we listen to, that saying it again is tantamount to saying nothing at all. And you know what they say: Silence is better than bullshit.
But this music? This music is not bullshit. This music is the real deal - whatever deal that may be." 
(Joanna Hecker)
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