22:00 até às 19:30
Wir sprechen Deutsch

Wir sprechen Deutsch

If you want to learn or improve your German in an informal and funny way, come with us! If you ever wanted to have a conversation with a native speaker, while learning funny sentences, trying out the slang and picking up some silly jokes… this is for you!

Every WEDNESDAY at 19.30 we'll practice the language with music, games and much more ;)


Se quiseres aprender ou melhorar o teu Alemão de maneira informal e engraçada, vem ter connosco! Cada semana (quinta feira) às 19h30 vamos aprender e practicar com jogos, musica e muito mais!


Deutschsprecher aufgepasst! Hier trefft ihr andere Deutschsprecher sowie Lernpartner, um selbst eine andere Sprache zu lernen (z.B. Portugiesisch natürlich).

Jeden MITTWOCH ab 19.30 Uhr mit kleinen Spielen, Musik und vielem mehr :-)

Feel free to like this page and find interesting events in/with/about German language! You might also meet more language partners through it!
Recomendamos que confirme toda a informação junto do promotor oficial deste evento. Por favor contacte-nos se detectar que existe alguma informação incorrecta.
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