21:30 até às 23:00
Documentary | 'The Parkinsons: a long way to nowhere'

Documentary | "The Parkinsons: a long way to nowhere"

Preço: 10€ | Livre mediante a apresentação do bilhete para o concerto dos "The Parkinsons" | 21:30-23:00

CAROLINE RICHARDS, Film Director, Music Lover, United Kingdom
CHRIS LOW, Musician,
Photographer, DJ, Music Lover, United Kingdom
VICTOR TORPEDO, Musician, Visual Artist, DJ, Music
Lover, Portugal

A propósito da comemoração dos 15 anos de carreira dos The Parkinsons, estreou no passado dia 14 de dezembro de 2015, no lendário Prince Charles Cinema, no centro de Londres, o documentário intitulado ‘The Parkinsons: A Long Way to Nowhere’. O documentário foi realizado a partir de centenas de horas de arquivo e entrevistas, com imagens inéditas diretamente do centro da sua revolução musical, que ainda hoje desperta curiosidades. É este o documentário possível para uma das mais marcantes bandas de Coimbra e de Portugal. Ao longo dos anos, a irreverência dos Parkinsons é retratada fielmente, naquilo que promete ser um filme de culto para todos os amantes de punk rock, e todos aqueles que acompanharam a cena musical única de Coimbra. No Reino Unido, onde o seu sucesso foi bem notório, chegando a ser comparados, em tempos, aos Sex Pistols, pelo The Guardian, fazem-se ouvir reacções várias como “You must see The Parkinsons before you die!” por David Pollcock – Glasgow Metro. A projecção do documentário será acompanhada com uma conversa com o público no final do filme com a presença dos elementos da banda e da realizadora.
Price: 10€ | Free by ticket presentation to the gig of The Parkinsons | 21:30-23:00

CAROLINE RICHARDS, Film Director, Music Lover, United Kingdom
CHRIS LOW, Musician, Photographer, DJ, Music Lover, United Kingdom 
VICTOR TORPEDO, Musician, Visual Artist, DJ, Music Lover, Portugal

As a celebration of the band’s 15-year career, on 14th December 2015, the documentary ‘The Parkinsons: A Long Way to Nowhere’ premiered in London, at the legendary Prince Charles Cinema. The documentary was compiled from hundreds of hours of archive footage and interviews, containing exclusive pictures that portray the core of their musical revolution, which still arouses curiosity. This is the best possible documentary for one of the most remarkable bands of Coimbra and of Portugal. The irreverence of The Parkinsons along the years is faithfully portrayed, in what promises to be a cult film for not only all the punk and rock lovers, but also for all those fans who have followed Coimbra’s unique music scene. The band’s success was so notorious in the UK, that at some point, they were compared to the Sex Pistols by The Guardian newspaper. They were also praised by David Pollock (Glasgow Metro) in his article called “You must see The Parkinsons before you die!”. The documentary viewing will be followed by a conversation between the audience, the band members and the film director.

Auditório IAC [Auditorium IAC], Teatro Rivoli, Porto | Curated by Esgar Acelerado and Paula Guerra
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