Human Entities - Conversa 1 Adam Greenfield (US)

Human Entities - Conversa 1 Adam Greenfield (US)


Entrada livre, mediante registo. 

Another City Is Possible: Practices of the Minimum Viable 

After dispensing with the sham that is the so-called "smart city," I'll be discussing commons-based alternatives to the currently dominant conception of technologized urbanity, specifically four aspects involved in the production of networked urban environments from the bottom up: people making data, people making things, people making places and people making networks.

Adam Greenfield é autor do livro Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing (2006), “Against the smart city” (2013) e The city is here for you to use (a publicar na Verso). 

Anteriormente Senior Urban Fellow na LSE Cities (London School of Economics), Adam é agora professor na The Bartlett (University College London) MArch Urban Design cluster "Architectures of Participation" com Usman Haque.

Esta é a primeira vez que o Adam fala em Portugal. 

Evento integrado no ciclo:

Human Entities 
A cultura na era das máquinas semi-autónomas 
Ciclo de conversas 13 abril – 4 maio 2016 - 4as feiras
Organização CADA em parceria com a Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa

Em 2050, 75 por cento da humanidade será urbana. Entretanto os nossos telemóveis, sensores wearable e as casas e cidades que habitamos, colecionam data a uma escala oceânica. A computação em rede torna-se gradualmente ubíqua, e à medida que triliões de ‘coisas’ adquirem conectividade, as fronteiras entre humanos e máquinas desvanecem-se a um ritmo acelerado. Com novas tecnologias a funcionarem cada vez mais na relação com outras tecnologias, a data criada entre elas não apenas prolifera, mas a sua escala absoluta e a complexidade da nossa incorporação com o meio envolvente, apontam para uma relação com o mundo radicalmente nova.

Como imaginamos a vida quotidiana numa cada vez mais densa infoesfera? Como imaginamos a partilha da nossa vida com máquinas semi-autónomas?  

Human Entities é um ciclo de conversas públicas focado na mudança tecnológica e nos seus impactos – nas formas como a tecnologia e a cultura se influenciam mutuamente.

CADA (Jared Hawkey, Sofia Oliveira)

Programa completo em http://www.cada1.net


Free entrance, online registration required. 

The talk will be in English. 

Another City Is Possible: Practices of the Minimum Viable 

After dispensing with the sham that is the so-called "smart city," I'll be discussing commons-based alternatives to the currently dominant conception of technologized urbanity, specifically four aspects involved in the production of networked urban environments from the bottom up: people making data, people making things, people making places and people making networks.

Adam Greenfield is author of Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing (2006), “Against the smart city” (2013) and The city is here for you to use (forthcoming from Verso). 

Previously Senior Urban Fellow at LSE Cities, Adam now co-teaches the Bartlett's MArch Urban Design cluster "Architectures of Participation" with Usman Haque.

This is the first time Adam will speak in Portugal.

This event in part of::

Human Entities 
Culture in the age of semi-autonomous machines
Public talks 13 April – 4 May 2016 – Wednesdays
Organised by CADA in partnership with the Lisbon Architecture Triennale

By 2050, 75 per cent of humanity will be urban. Meanwhile our mobile phones, wearable sensors and the connected homes and cities that we inhabit are all collecting data on an oceanic scale. Networked computation is becoming ubiquitous and, as billions of things come online, the boundaries between humans and machines are fast becoming blurred. As new technologies increasingly work in relationship to others, not only does the data between them proliferate but its sheer scale and the complexity of our entanglement with our environment point to a radically new relationship with the world.

How do we imagine daily life shaped by an increasingly dense infosphere? How do we imagine sharing everyday life with semi-autonomous machines? 

Inspired and spooked by such transformative times, CADA hopes to make some of the assumptions behind these technologies comprehensible and concrete. 

Human Entities is a series of talks focused on technological change and its impacts – the ways technology and culture shape and influence each other. 

CADA - Jared Hawkey, Sofia Oliveira

See complete programme: http://www.cada1.net
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