Workshop 'Non-local dependencies in the nominal and verbal domain'

Workshop 'Non-local dependencies in the nominal and verbal domain'

The workshop 'Non-local dependencies in the nominal and verbal domain' will be held in Lisbon, CLUNL, Universidade Nova de Lisboa on 13 November 2015 (Auditório 001 - Torre A). The event is sponsored by the Portuguese National Science Foundation (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT) and will bring together some leading figures in syntax to discuss current issues such as multiple instantiations of agreement, local and non-local case assignment and agreement within the nominal and verbal domains, subject versus object agreement, and locality and minimality effects in agreement versus movement (Agree versus Merge). In addition, we will hold a poster session for PhD students willing to present their proposals on any syntactic topic. The workshop will be held at CLUNL, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. One of the goals of the workshop is the publication of a peer-reviewed edited volume. This will provide an opportunity for young researchers to publish together with well-known experts in the field.

Invited Speakers:

Klaus Abels (University College London)
Artemis Alexiadou (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
João Costa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Ángel Gallego (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Ion Giurgea (Iorgu Iordan - Al. Rosetti Institute of Linguistics, Bucharest)
Rita Manzini (University of Florence)
Ana Maria Martins (Universidade de Lisboa)
Guido Mensching (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Ad Neeleman (University College London)
Leonardo Savoia (University of Florence)
Peter Svenonius (University of Tromsø)

Call for Papers:

We invite graduate/postgraduate students and early career researchers to submit abstracts for poster presentations for the Workshop 'Non-local dependencies in the nominal and verbal domain'. Submissions are welcome from all areas of research in theoretical and experimental syntax.

Please submit your one-page abstract via email to: franco.ludovico@gmail.com by October 18, 2015. The abstract must not exceed 500 words (excluding references). Each individual may be the first author on no more than one contribution. Paper acceptance will be notified by October 30, 2015. The workshop attendance is free.

Workshop Organizers at CLUNL:

Ludovico Franco
Mihaela Marchis Moreno
Matthew Reeve
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