21:15 até às 23:45
36th Fantasporto | Oporto International Film Festival

36th Fantasporto | Oporto International Film Festival



•	1991 | PIONEIRO - Primeiro festival do género a fazer a introdução de filmes GENERALISTAS, exemplo seguido por outros festivais de cinema fantástico 

•	2009 | INOVADOR A NÍVEL MUNDIAL - Criação do PROGRAMA ESPECIAL de cruzamento do Cinema e as Artes e Ciências, exemplo já seguido pelo festival de Sundance.

•	2012 | DEFENSOR DO CINEMA PORTUGUÊS pela Criação do PRÉMIO DE CINEMA PORTUGUÊS - ESCOLAS que pretende actuar, através da competição, na defesa do cinema nacional do futuro. TEM A PARTICIPAÇÃO DAS MAIORES ESCOLAS DE CINEMA DO PAÍS. 
•	1981 | REVELADOR – Descoberta de mais de uma centena de realizadores de nível mundial COM O SEU PRIMEIRO FILME (lista em baixo) desde a sua criação.

•	2014 | FORMATIVO- Todos os anos um maior número de escolas adere aos programas durante e depois do festival. Realizou em 2014 o 1º ENCONTRO DE ESCOLAS DE CINEMA, estabelecendo uma ligação directa entre o que se passa no festival e os seus convidados e os alunos e professores do audiovisual.

•	2015- ORIGINAL – Criação em 2015 da 1ª BOLSA DE GUIÕES- escritores apresentam os seus textos para futura produção cinematográfica.


•	INTERNACIONAL- o prestígio do Fantasporto mede-se pela presença em reportagem das maiores agencias noticiosas internacionais. Esta cobertura não tem paralelo em festivais de cinema em Portugal. Interessante é verificar o maior impacto na imprensa estrangeira do que na portuguesa. Está entre os melhores festivais do mundo.
•	REFERÊNCIA- Os sites dos maiores criadores do cinema actual, alguns descobertos pelo festival, tem a menção ao festival nos seus prémios, nomeadamente Steven Spielberg e Francis Ford Coppola que estrearam no Fantas os seus filmes. (PF. ver FLASH INTERVIEWS).
•	LIGAÇÃO DIRECTA À INDUSTRIA INTERNACIONAL – Através da novas secções, a funcionar desde 2014, “Industry Screenings” e “Fantas Classics”, há uma ligação directa às grandes companhias de produção do passado e às melhores companhias de produção do presente

•	SER SELECCIONADO PARA O FANTASPORTO, é um SELO DE QUALIDADE dado o número de cineastas descobertos no festival. 

•	PRESTIGIANTE- O prestígio internacional granjeado pelo Fantasporto, ao longo dos seus 35 anos de existência, é o principal motivo que leva os realizadores e produtores a candidatar os seus filmes ao festival e a estarem presentes no Porto para apresentarem as suas obras. Esta é a primeira conclusão a tirar das respostas a um inquérito enviado pela organização do Fantasporto a diversos ilustres membros da Indústria do Cinema em 2015. (EM ANEXO ver FLASH INTERVIEWS - Mini entrevistas com diversos convidados, realizadores, actores ou produtores de filmes presentes na 35ª edição do festival de 2015. A opinião de cineastas e produtores é sempre positiva. “Segui o conselho do meu distribuidor (Jinga Films) que qualificou o Fantasporto como um festival ‘top’ da primeira divisão internacional no cinema fantástico, garantindo aos filmes concorrentes uma exposição máxima”, disse o holandês Ate de Jong (realizador do êxito “Drop Dead Fred”, que se apresenta este ano com o seu novo filme “Deadly Virtues”). No mesmo sentido se pronunciam o georgiano Lavan Bakhia, para quem “a reputação do festival foi a primeira motivação” e o actor/realizador francês Thierry Sebban (“Pseudonym”). Estas opiniões são ainda corroboradas pelo britânico Tim Dennison, produtor de “The Hoarder”, de Matt Win, presente na secção de Cinema Fantástico, para quem “ser seleccionado para o Fantasporto representa para qualquer filme um selo de qualidade”. O seu compatriota Mark Murphy, que estreou em 2014 o seu primeiro filme (“The Crypt”) no Fantasporto, é ainda mais claro. “A partir do momento em que se soube nos círculos do cinema que “Awaiting” [o seu filme deste ano] tinha sido seleccionado para o Fantasporto, começaram a ‘chover’ convites para o apresentar em imensos festivais, tal como já tinha sucedido no ano passado. É um excelente cartão-de-visita para qualquer filme” – referiu. O britânico Jeremy Wooding – presente com “Blood Moon” – considera que “o Fantasporto tem a audiência ideal para estrear um filme fantástico, ante um público conhecedor e entusiasta. Daí a recomendação dos distribuidores para que apresente o filme no Porto”. Benjamin Walter, realizador de “The Pink Zone”, pronuncia-se no mesmo sentido: “O Fantasporto – um local onde cineastas e agentes americanos e europeus se encontram todos os anos – é o local perfeito para apresentar o filme.” O cubano Eduardo del Llano, que mostra no Porto o filme “Omega 3” – considerado o primeiro filme de ficção científica da cinematografia cubana – a recomendação da equipa de “Juan de los Muertos”, filme fantástico cubano que passou no Fantas 2014, foi de importância capital para a decisão. O mesmo sucedeu com o americano Howard J Ford ('The Dead 2, India'), que recebeu excelentes recomendações de cineastas que já estiveram no Fantasporto. A recomendação levou-o a investigar sobre o Porto (cidade que não conhecia) na Internet e ficou “encantado com a cidade, mais um poderoso atractivo”, uma situação comum a muitos outros cineastas e produtores que pela primeira vez vêm ao Fantasporto. Para o ítalo-argentino Lucas Pavetto (“The Perfect Husband”), o Fantasporto não é novidade nenhuma, já que é um festival a que presta muita atenção há anos. “Pela primeira vez tenho o filme certo para este festival e não poderia deixar de tentar o Fantasporto. Fiquei muito contente por ter sido seleccionado”, afirmou. A actriz argentina Andrea Carballo, protagonista da louca comédia “Jorge y Alberto contra los demónios neoliberales”, sublinhou também o factor reputação como essencial: “Todos os realizadores de cinema fantástico ambicionam apresentar os seus filmes no Fantasporto”. O russo Pavel Khvaleev (presente com o filme “III” na Secção Oficial Cinema Fantástico) considera que “um festival que descobriu e premiou antes de todos nomes como Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro e David Fincher exerce um poderoso atractivo sobre todos os cineastas, em especial os que se dedicam ao cinema fantástico”, garantiu o cineasta – que é também uma estrela da música no seu país...

•ANTESTREIAS MUNDIAIS E EUROPEIAS - Como curiosidade e reforçando a imagem Mundial do Fantasporto é de referir que mais de 50% dos realizadores e produtores cujas declarações acima são referenciadas, apresentaram os seus filmes em Antestreia Mundial e A.Europeia



1 - Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?

Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?I am interested in Portugal and would like to show my film PECHORIN here. I noticed that Pechorin not really like in Central and Northern Europe, and in Russia too. However, in southern Europe and in both Americas the film is treated with much greater interest. Perhaps this temperament, may be a different view. The festival called FANTASTIC PORTO interested me. If there is love everything unusual and fantastic, I have to try.2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?I think it will be cool to present the film at the festival and see the audience reaction on the film.3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?Big old beautiful city - of course, very interesting to be there.4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?When I was looking for a film festival, several times I encountered Fantasporto. I saw this big and long time festival. But by the time "Pechorin" was already old for your festival. Gradually, our film began to receive recognition and awards at festivals, and I thought - why not? And send the film to you. I am very glad that you liked it, despite his age. And you even included it in the program.

When Jeffery sent the movie into Fantasporto, we were hoping we would get in. We were looking for a festival for our world premiere and we were thrilled that you chose us!
Coming to the festival from so far away is very worthwhile. Not only is it our world premiere, it is an extremely well respected festival, one that I am proud to be a part of. I look forward to meeting you and all the other film makers and genre fans. It is a perfect start to our year ahead as we plan our festival run.
The city of Oporto did not play a role in my decision to come, although now that I have seen photos and read articles about the city, it is a bonus!! I can't wait to see it:)
I started hearing about Fantasporto Fest last year when Jeffery and I were looking at festivals to submit to. When I read more about the festival's history, I am honoured to be part of a festival that has screened the films of so many film makers that have influenced me and that I have admired for years.

CAROLINE COURET-DELÈGUE Produtora AV PICTURES / | Head of Sales & Acquisitions
Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Fantasporto is a great genre Festival that generate buzz and good reviews for our films. The international market place values this Festival therefore being selected and even better winning a price has an impact on international sales.2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? Genre films filmmakers attend the festival which gives us a great opportunity to meet and network. Even if films in selection already have international representation, it is an opportunity for us to spot up-coming talent and position ourselves for their next projects.3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? Porto is a fantastic city! Both beautiful and fun. It offers a great location to the festival. I wish I could go there more often.4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? Several years ago when I started working on my first genre film as a sales agent. Fantasporto has always been a targeted festival in my marketing strategy to launch my genre films. We have been lucky that Fantasporto spotted some of our films to showcase at their festival.

Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?First of all, I decided to submit my film to Fantasporto because of these reasons:- I saw it listed as a top film festival in Raindance's list "Essential Horror and Fantasy Film Festivals".- It had free email submissions and accepted Blu-Rays as screening copies. I don't like festivals that ask huge fees, DVD's or have complicated submission processes. I love simple email + Vimeo link submissions. Also, I like when festivals accept Blu-Rays, because the DCP's are very expensive. - It had a huge number of facebook likes. I don't like festivals without facebook or twitter pages, or festivals that do not take care of those pages or don't share the selections, because these days the online promotion is extremely important.And after I got the email that my movie was selected, I immediately read more about the festival and accepted the invitation right away! I was shocked to see the age of the festival and how many incredible directors and movies have been selected in the past editions!2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?A lot of reasons:- I hope that distributors will be present in Fantasporto and they will be interested in my movie, to buy it for theatrical release!- I want to know other filmmakers and actors, to see their movies and them to see my movie. I hope to make professional connections with them. Since I'm an actor first of all, I hope to meet other directors and play in their future movies!- I want to interact with audiences, to see their reactions during the movie, but also after the movie. - And the last reason is the simple fact that it's the world premiere of my first film! You cannot miss an event like this that happens only once in life!3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?To my shame, I must say that I didn't know about the city of Porto before the Fantasporto selection. But after that I searched online and found that it's one of the greatest cities in Europe and that made me want even more to be there!4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?I believe I read about it for the first time in Raindance's list "Essential Horror and Fantasy Film Festivals". smile emoticon


1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?
For me all 4 questions boil down to single answer. I have submitted to your festival, and since it was selected, I learned more about it. What I learned about the reputation of the festival as well as about the city Oporto, made sense. I think it’s a good start for european festival run, and it’s good time of year, more or less in the beginning, and hope to receive good enough publicity from the festival. I also think that it is interesting to put the movie among some other interesting project that festival is screening, and hoping to meet other filmmakers behind those films. Once again, I appreciate for the chance for the movie to be screened on your festival, and hope and wish everyone a success.


1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Oporto is one of my favorite festivals in the world togheter with Montreal and Berlín. For me is a great pleasure and privilege to have my movie here.2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? Of course it is! For me will be the first time to watch the movie togheter with an audience!3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? Oporto also helps… it is a wonderfull city that reminds my city, Barcelona.4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? Long time ago… around 10 years ago I started attending the festival as an audience.

(We believe you do not remember but Drop Dead Fred was in the Fantasporto Oficial Section in 1992...)
1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Our sales agent Jinga Films told that Fantasporto was a quality festival for genrefilms and that the viewing of DEADLY VIRTUES; LOVE. HONOUR. OBEY would be great exposure.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? There are --of course-- different reasons. 1. It is good for the film to support it in person -- who knows there may be press or foreign distributors and then to have personal contact always helps. 2. For me, as I live in London, I don't think Oporto is too far away 3. It is always a pleasure to see if your film also works with a "new" audience.
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? The city was at first not an important part of the decision. But it helps that I hear it is also a pleasure to spend time in there. But the focus is towards the festival.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I am fairly new in the genre film area, so I think it came on my radar some two years ago. Our sales agent is aware of Fantasporto from its inception

1- Fantasporto es uno de los festivales mas grandes del cine de genero. Su reputación y calidad nos llevaron a querer que nuestra película sea visible con ese publico.
2- Vale la pena poder representar siempre la película en cada lugar que se pueda. A veces es posible y a veces no. En este caso por la actriz protagonista, la película es super independiente y se hizo con el apoyo y trabajo desinteresado de equipo técnico y actores. Por eso la película somos todos. En Argentina se hacen películas de genero sin un solo peso, solo con el trabajo físico y dedicación de todos los profesionales que se juntan a poder generar una película. Suena descabellado que personas que tienen otros trabajos durante la semana, inviertan los dias de descanso que tienen y se sumen a hacer una película por el solo gusto de hacerla. Eso es patrimonio.
3- No conocemos OPORTO pero siempre nos han hablado maravillas de la ciudad y su publico.
4- Desde que arrancamos a filmar, escuchamos de Fantasporto, hace ya unos años. Es un festival reconocido al que todo director de cine de género quiere poder llegar algún dia.

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? I had heard about it from talking to someone who had been whilst at FantasticFest in the US and they had said it was great fun, with great people!2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?Life is short, it's an adventure, I want to experience as much as I can in this life and I'm very excited to see your beautiful country and whatever experience that may be. Also, film making is not glamerous at all in reality so festivals and these moments are truly the highlight!3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?I must admit, I googled Oporto before we committed to going as I'm already busy on another movie but it looks so beautiful and fascinating I didnt want to miss it. As all who come to see our film 'The Dead 2, India' is actually a journey movie, and I'm very interested in travel in real life so this is perfect!4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?I heard about it 3 years ago when 'The Dead 1'(Africa) was playing in festivals and finally I get to go.. Looking forward to meeting you all there who come to see the movie. Enjoy the journey! Thanks.

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? ASMODEXIA is my debut long feature film. A modest movie. But I feel so lucky because it has been released in some countries like the USA, under distribution of IFC MIDNIGHT. It has been also screened in some good festivals all around the world. We won best iberoamerican film award in Fantaspoa, and a special jury mention in Grossmann. And now, be part of the Fantasporto's official selection, will be a honnor, and the culmination of the dream of youth... So, thank you so much, sirs.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? Fantasporto is one of the most important fantastic film festivals in the world. A classic one. And a reference for the international audience, directors, and professionals from the industry in general
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? Of course. I have heard many times from the city and I really want to know Oporto.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I don’t exactly remember, but a long time ago. Provably when I was younger and I begun to go to Sitges Film Festival, as part of the audience. Then I felt the need of know what was happening, in horror genre, far from Spain. And Fantasporto was one of the most importants worldwide benchmarks.

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Many people told many great things about Fantasporto and I hoped with all my heart to have my European Premiere in Fantasporto. Now I am incredibly happy about it.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? Because you have the opportunity to meet amazing filmmakers and watch great films
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? Yes of course, it is a really nice city.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? April 2014 during a film festival in USA
I´ve heard about FANTASPORTO from the staff of Juan de los Muertos, a Cuban fantasy film which was presented and acclaimed there a few years ago. They said a lot of nice things about the Festival and the city of Oporto. I´ve never been in Portugal before; definitely, the fact that Oporto is for me an unknown city but, at the same time, quite familiar thanks to such references, made our presence there widely worthwhile. Eduardo del Llano
1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? We have heard that it is a very good festival from otehr film makers and festival people. 2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?This will be a great experience to support WHITE SETTLERS, to meet new people and other film makers and to discover a new festival that we hope we can bring future films to.. 3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?Not particularly as we haven't visited before, it was more the reputation of the festival. 4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?Over the last few years as we investigate new platforms and festivals for our movies. 

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Fantasporto has a great reputation in the genre world, so it was a surprise and delight when the offer was made to screen CRAZY BITCHES here. It's important to reach an audience that will appreciate the journey you've created on film, and Fantasporto will introduce us to a whole new community of fans.2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?I have not yet had the opportunity to see the film outside of a US audience and as a filmmaker I think it is important to understand not just the US audience, but the global audience. The only way to truly do that is to be present when your movie screens. So I am really looking forward to the experience.3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?I don't know much about Oporto yet. Though I have been given excellent guidance by my second AC who is from Portugal, so I feel I have an inside track. I'm very excited to explore the town and experience a new place.4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?I am not very versed in genre festivals. CRAZY BITCHES is my first horror film. (though my first feature, METH HEAD, is about a drug that is pretty horrific) So I did my research online. I joined some directors of horror groups and asked their advice. And as I have talked with more and more people living in the genre world, all I hear are great things and that I should be ready to have a lot of fun!

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? Fantasporto was the perfect fit for PINK ZONE. It's a place where both American and European voices meet, and for somebody like me, who lives and works in Los Angeles but grew up in France, it means a lot. Fantasporto is also known as being such a place of emerging genre talents and passionate genre fans.
2/ It may sound dull but I'm making movies for the audience to experiment first. I'm not making movies for myself. So, getting to Porto, and sharing PINK ZONE with you is the most rewarding thing for me. I don't really care about the opinion of a happy few. I care about moviegoers, fans, human beings. And I'm looking forward to meet them all. And meet some talented new filmmakers too.
3/ Even though I grew up in France and traveled all around Europe, I've never been to Portugal. And I've always wanted to discover Porto. For his architecture first. Architecture is one of the first influence in my movies, in the same way it is the main influence for Chris Nolan's movies. Porto has this old Mediterranean/European city vibe to it. I couldn't miss it. And my actor and friend on PINK ZONE, Tiago Felizardo, is going to show me around. I'm lucky !
4/ I started to hear about Porto a few years ago, when my friend French journalist and screenwriter Arnaud Bordas presented the French zombie movie The Horde there. And then I started following the festival, embodied by his amazing, fierce and passionate leader, Mario Dorminsky, who is doing an amazing job as having one of the greatest genre film festivals in the world.

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?The festival's reputation speaks for itself. There are a ton of interesting festivals in the US catering to this market but relatively few in Europe and Fantasporto felt like a great fit.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? It's the first proper opportunity we've had to present the film to an invested audience and it's a short hop on the plane so it always felt worth doing when we found we were selected.
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? I toured Portugal on a bus a few years back but never made it to Oporto. It's one of those places I wish I'd visited and now I have the perfect opportunity to do so.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? Researching great festivals in this space about a year ago.
1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?Fantasporto is an ideal audience showcase for genre fans. Taking place soon after Berlinale it is a great opportunity for the film to be seen in the south of Europe.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? Attending different festivals and sitting amongst different audiences is vital for filmmakers to get immediate feedback on their films. I am pleased to be part of an exciting competition selection of films this year. I look forward to meeting fellow genre filmmakers and the festival audiences.
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? Oporto has a reputation for being a beautiful and cultured city. It is one of the main reasons for attending the festival. A cool city and a cool festival - hard to say no to that!
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I first heard about the festival several years ago in Cannes. Since then filmmakers and sales agents have always recommended entering the festival.

1) Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? Because I think Fantasporto is a one of the most important festivals in the horror, thriller and fantastic genre! Also I feel very proud to give the World Premier of my movie "III" to Fantasporto, where some of the legend director, such as David Fincher, Guillermo del Toro won awards before.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? I would like to meet with other film makers, enjoy the latest genre productions and I am also very keen to see the feedback to "III" with my own eyes.
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? I have never been to Oporto before yet, but I heard about it a lot. it seems to be an amazing and beautiful city. Looking forward to experience the city myself already.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I heard first time about Fantasporto after watching the movie El Laberinto del Fauno from Guillermo del Toro. I recognized at IMDb that he won at Fantasporto an award.
*Pavel Khvaleev was born in Naberezhnie Chelni in Russia, on May 27, 1984. In 2004 he founded the music project Moonbeam with his brother Vitaly. During the following years Moonbeam became a famous international act in the world wide electronic dance scene. In 2000 they entered the DJ Magazine's annual list of the world's best DJs TOP 100! All 40 official Moonbeam music video clips were directed by Pavel. Many of the video's were part of some official European and American film festivals such as Berlin Independent Film Festival, Shockfest Film Festival, Venice Film Festival and Pollygrind Underground Film Festival. In 2012 Pavel Khvaleev debuted with his first full-length cinema as the director of the movie "The Random". In the first week of sales on iTunes (Russia) the debut charted the top 50 of the most downloaded movies. Since 2013 Pavel started the creation of his second movie called "III".

Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?Actually it was not my choice (you chose me) but I am happy for your festival will have the international/world premiere of our film:)2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while?Hungary is not that far and Faun's Labirinth was one of your winners! It would make anybody excited:)3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?I have been there 18 years ago as a tourist and had lots of fun. I love the city!4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest?First I heard about you when another Hungarian film was competing here some years ago.

Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film? BECAUSE WE KNOW THIS IS ONE OF THE PREMIER ‘GENRE’ FESTIVALS FOR OUR KIND OF FILM
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision? NO, NOT REALLY.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I HAVE KNOW ABOUT IT FOR MAY YEARS BECAUSE I TEND TO SPECIALISE IN ‘GENRE’ MOVIES

1- Why did you choose Fantasporto to screen your film?Fantasporto has a special place in my film making heart, it was where I screened my first film, the Crypt. It has a fantastic atmosphere, run by people who have a real passion for film, set in a beautiful city. It was an easy choice for me as to where I wanted to premiere Awaiting.
2- Why do you think coming to the festival from so fairway, is worth while? You spend months and years developing your films, making sacrifices and concessions along the way to see your vision reach the screen. Taking a flight to one of Europe’s top cultural spots to see your film welcomed by an audience of film fans is what it’s all about. This is why we do it, Fantasporto could be ten times further away and you’d still see me coming back.
3- Did the city Oporto play a role in your decision?
The festival and those behind it and the reputation Fantasporto has in the global film community are the principle reason as to why I’m so eager to be return, the city of Porto is the perfect place to have the festival, it’s rich in culture, friendly, and a perfect place to relax and enjoy the time you spend there, and I think plays a massive part in why people travel so far to return.
4- When did you start hearing about Fantasporto Fest? I first heard about Fantasporto through the sales agents on The Crypt. Since then I have become more active in immersing myself into festivals around the world, and in doing so have come to realise just how well respected and thought of Fantasporto is. To put it in perspective, since it was announced that Awaiting was going to be in competition at this years fest, we have been approached by several other world renowned festivals and distributors. To be involved and recognised by Fantasporto is a great endorsement and privilege for film makers.


Pessoa Colectiva de Utilidade Pública – distinção da Presidência da República
Evento de Manifesto Interesse Cultural – Secretaria Estado da Cultura

Entre os 25 maiores festivais do Mundo (segundo Revista Variety em 2009)
“Um dos mais consistentes festivais da Europa” (segundo Hayden Smith do International Film Guide em 2013)
“...com Sitges, o maior festival de cinema fantástico do Mundo” (Anuário Fotogramas 2014)

Medalha de Mérito Cultural do Estado Português
Evento de Manifesto Interesse Cultural (Ministério da Cultura)
Evento Imagem de Portugal no Estrangeiro (Menção Honrosa do Instituto de Turismo de Portugal em 2008)
Medalha Grau Ouro da Câmara Municipal do Porto
Medalha Grau Ouro da Câmara Municipal de Gaia.
Prémio “Melhor Evento Cultural” da Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores
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